Education should be Teaching Directed and Learning Centered
To impart knowledge of or skill in; give instruction in.
- Teaching is giving (instructions) of knowledge.
- Teaching is a must. Good instructions cannot be equated. However in classroom teaching the transfer (giving) of knowledge from teacher (instructor) to student (learner) can be limited by
- Time (say 60 minutes for a class of 40 students).
- Instructor’s Knowledge.
- How much receptive is Learner (student) in the class.
- Learning should be objective of education. Teaching should competently and compassionately facilitate learning.
- Memorising should not be mistaken with learning. Most of what is remembered is short lived and is quickly forgotten.
To acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience
- Learning is gaining of Knowledge. Learning is construction of knowledge in your mind
- Learning is what I (student) am doing.
- Learner (student) should only be limited by Learner’s own creativity leading to self construction of knowledge and not to the extent of instructor’s Knowledge.
- Assessment of Learner’s Knowledge measures level of transfer of Knowledge (i.e Learning) and also indicates shortcomings (as concepts not clear) or areas (topics) not covered (no transfer of Knowledge in some required areas)
- Assessment evaluates learning and also creates learning challenges thus self motivation for you to learn.
- Learners find knowledge retention long lived in their minds, because they put in efforts to gain understanding in form clear enough for them. Learning leaves learner enriched with lasting Knowledge.
To impart knowledge does not ensure the acquisition of knowledge