TestBag – Online Assessment System
TestBag is first of its kind online assessment system and practice platform to meet needs of
Students, Teachers, Parents,
Schools , Colleges, Universities , Academic Institutions
Classroom based Coaching Classes
Students :
Online site for formative and summative assessment helps students
In monitoring own performance on knowledge, skills, time management etc
Learning to be critique of own knowledge and understanding
Learning to take full responsibilities of the performance
Learning about shortcomings and initiate steps for improvement
Learning from mistakes and improving on them
Learning about topics not covered or covered inadequately
Benching marking your performance with peers and achievers
Objective assessment is becoming more popular as they are easier to administer, a large area of subjects/topics can be covered and can be assessed in small time. In addition the chances of errors on account of handwriting etc are also eliminated.
In objective assessment multiple choice questions are most popular although true/false, multiple response, fill-in-blanks and matching are also used in some exams.
In past few years responses of objective assessment are recorded on machine readable forms and as such results are drawn more quickly and accurately.
Recently dramatic increase in usage of Computers and internet has supported increased use of online assessment using objective questions
Online testing broadly is aassessment by using information technology. This generally is also called as e- assessment.
The assessment can be based on a criteria or can be general i.e without any specific criteria such as IQ tests.
Most of exams which have specific syllabus assess students based on a certain criteria where questions are drawn from specific areas (say physics, chemistry, mathematics etc), the questions are of certain type (say multiple choice, multiple response etc) the questions are of a certain level of difficulty, the questions are to be answered in some given time and there is a criteria to allocate marks/grade for correct/incorrect responses and questions not attempted. Testbag is currently catering to such type of assessments using multiple choice questions (which is most popular form of objective assessment).